Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Let the Lord Handle it."

This morning I had a short conversation with a man who was struggling with some personal matters. As the conversation ended, he said, "I'm just going to have to struggle through today, and trust the Lord to handle it."

That statement sounds like good faith doesn't it. But there is a problem. I have had more in depth conversations with this man than that. He doesn't come to church. He doesn't make time to read his Bible. And he doesn't pray regularly. So his comment may sound like he is a man of faith, but he does not make his relationship with God a priority in his life. If he won't come to God regularly, how can he expect to hear from God regularly? How can he expect to hear or receive comfort from God if he will not go to God and condition himself, or allow himself to be conditioned by God to hear from the Holy Spirit?

In John 15:1-8 we read that He is the vine and we are the branches. The very imagery of this passage shows that we are reliant upon him. The branch can not attach itself in times of need and not in times of peace. Notice verse 2. (NIV) "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." People wonder where pain comes from and why it exists. Some of it comes from Satan. Some of it comes from our own sinful, selfish actions. But often we forget to consider that it may be the pruning of God. We are meant to learn and grow in Him. How can we do that without being connected to the true vine at all times? We can't.

Our relationship with God through Jesus must be paramount. No exceptions. While at work, or school, or wherever as we go throughout our day, we are to "pray continually" and look for what God is doing in EVERY situation we come across. He is at work around you right now. Are you watching enough to know when he is opening a door for you?

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